通過溫和的吸力,Niplette™️將乳頭拉出並放入一個小杯子中。理想情況下,您應該在懷孕期間開始使用Niplette™️。使用它非常簡單,完全無痛。Niplette™️可以輕鬆地穿在內衣下 - 白天和晚上都可以。幾周後,乳頭的形狀將被永久矯正。
- 提供單個或雙個包裝
- 扁平或內陷乳頭的簡單矯正方法
- 易於使用且隱蔽
- 經過臨床驗證
- 非手術-使用溫和的吸力
- 連續佩戴可永久矯正內陷乳頭

Breastfeeding is an essential part for the best start into a wonderful life. Both mom and baby enjoy being close to each other and breast milk is the best nutrition for a healthy development – there is no doubt about it.
Flat and inverted nipples are a problem for many women who wish to breastfeed their child. Niplette™ by AVENT stands out as the perfect remedy for such things.
Through gentle suction the Niplette™ pulls the nipple out into a small thimble-shaped cup. Ideally, you should begin using the Niplette™ during the pregnancy. Using it is easy and completely pain-free. The Niplette™ can be worn easily under the bra – both at day and at night. In a matter of a few weeks the shape of the nipple will be permanently corrected.
During the first days after birth, AVENT’s Niplette stands out as an ideal helper especially when used shortly before breastfeeding your baby. The nipple will be pulled out so that your little one will find it much easier to latch-on to your breast.
That way, there will be nothing standing in the way of a pleasant and relaxed breastfeeding period with your tiny human.
- Available as single or double pack
- Simple remedy in case of flat or inverted nipples
- Easy and discrete to use
- Clinically proven
- Non-surgical - uses gentle suction
- Permanent correction of inverted nipples if worn continuously
- Opens in a new window.