套裝包括: | PP 奶瓶 270ML + 矽膠奶嘴 0M+ |
矽膠安撫奶嘴 0-4M | |
奶嘴鏈 | |
PP 奶瓶 270ML + 矽膠奶嘴 | |
適用年齡: | 初生或以上 |
特點: |
仿母乳質感奶嘴 奶嘴設有防脹氣孔 變速奶嘴,可因應需要控制流量 符合人體工學奶瓶設計,拿起來更安全、舒適 獲得西班牙兒童牙科協會認可,奶嘴材質及形狀能令顎骨正確發展 |
矽膠安撫奶嘴 | |
適用年齡: | 初生至4個月 |
特點: |
仿乳形安撫奶嘴 - 令寶寶吸吮得更舒適 - 有利於寶寶的味覺發展 |
特設隙位及透氣孔,分散寶寶吸吮時的壓力及防止唾液積聚導致皮膚過敏 獲得西班牙兒童牙科協會認可,奶嘴材質及形狀能令顎骨正確發展 |
產地: | 西班牙製造 |
容量: | 270毫升 |
奶瓶材質: | PP(耐熱度:110℃) |
奶瓶口徑: | 寬口徑 |
奶嘴材質: | 矽膠 |
奶嘴形狀: | 圓頭形 |
奶嘴流量: | 變速 |
安撫奶嘴 材質: |
矽膠 |
安撫奶嘴 形狀: |
仿乳形 |
不含雙酚A |

Suavinex - Set 270ml 3P,Soother 0-4M,Clip Prem Grey
- A prime gift set designed as sophisticated design with rounded silicone teat with a symmetrical shape, allows you to turn the bottle to adapt to the rhythm of suction that is correctly positioned in babys mouth. Made in Spain, Approve by Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry,bpa free.
Description of product
- The Bib set includes 3 Suavinex products - 1. Silicone Feeding Bottle 270ml, 2. Soother, 3. Clip Prem. It is a perfect gift set for baby.
- Silicone Feeding Bottle 270ml: This beautiful wide neck feeding bottle by Suavinex is designed to fulfill the feeding needs of all babies. Round medical silicone teat is highly flexible and keeps it shape and does not alter the color or odor. The anti colic vents prevent air build up and swallowing during feeding. The ergonomic design gives you better gripping to feed in a comfortable and natural way. It is made of high quality food grade material. It is tested by the Spanish Society of Pediatric dentistry.
- Soother and Clip Prem: Suavinex soother is a great help for your baby's peace while sleeping and walking. The pack includes a soother and a soother clip. The flat and symmetrical design of the teat always remains in the correct position, applying minimum pressure on the roof of the mouth. It is crafted from the medical grade silicone, a soft material that keeps it shape and does not absorb smells or flavors. The soother clip makes it possible to attach the soother to the baby's clip to prevent it from falling into the filthy ground or losing it. Soother is approved by the Spanish Society of Pediatric dentistry. The colors used are natural and non toxic.
Product Type | Baby Soothers |
Age | 0 to 4 Month |
Size | 270ml |
Color | Grey/ Blue |
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