嬰兒竹纖維濕紙巾 (鼻塞舒緩/奶咀及玩具清潔/牙齒口腔/手臉清潔) - 30片

Sale price $42.00
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這款超柔軟的濕巾富含尤加利精油的清新香氣,可以用天然鹽水溶液溫和地清潔鼻塞的小鼻子。非常適合外出使用,28 天可生物降解!

嬰兒竹纖維鼻塞舒緩濕紙巾 - 30片Bamboo Baby Nose 'n' Blows Wipes


這款超柔軟的濕巾富含尤加利精油的清新香氣,可以用天然鹽水溶液溫和地清潔鼻塞的小鼻子。非常適合外出使用,28 天可生物降解!


新生兒常有流鼻涕的問題,可能在外出時發生,甚至在漫長的嚴寒冬季也可能發生。如果您正在尋找一款嬰兒不會抵抗的產品,Bamboo Baby Nose n Blows Wipes 就是完美的解決方案!Aleva Naturals Nose n Blows Wipes 可以讓您的寶寶感到舒適和放心。這些超柔軟、未漂白和獨特的濕巾,富含天然鹽水溶液,可以溫和地清潔、清除和滋潤小小的鼻塞。薰衣草油的清新香氣可以舒緩和安撫您的寶寶。





Ultra-soft wipes, enriched with refreshing scents of Eucalyptus Oils, which gently clean stuffy little noses with natural saline solution.
Perfect for on the go and biodegradable in 28 days!

Product Description

Runny noses are common for newborns, and can occur while out and about, or even during the long harsh winters. If you are looking for something your baby won’t resist, Bamboo Baby Nose n Blows Wipes are the perfect solution! Aleva Naturals Nose n Blows Wipes will make your baby feel comfortable and at east. These ultra-soft, unbleached and unique wipes, enriched with natural saline solution, gently clean, clear and moisturize little stuffy noses. The refreshing scents of Lavender Oils help to soothe and comfort your baby.
With packaging that is sleek to fit in a diaper bag or purse, these wipes are ideal for use while on the go!


Use wipes to gently clean and moisturize baby's nose. Use as often as needed. Reseal and close lid after each use to prevent wipes from drying.


Store at room temperature

 Safety Tips

Avoid contact with eye area. For external Use only. Not intended for use as a baby cleaning wipe. Keep out of reach of Children



Bamboo Baby
Pacifier 'n' Toy Wipes


非常適合外出使用,28 天可生物降解!

孩子們經常不管在哪裡都會把東西掉在地上,也會把一切東西放進嘴裡。您是否正在尋找一種簡單的解決方案,讓您放心?不用再找了,Aleva Naturals 奶嘴和玩具濕巾是您的不二之選。這些濕巾不僅適用於清潔玩具和安撫器,而且溫和安全,可用於清潔奶瓶、奶嘴、表面等物品。富含有機蘆薈和洋甘菊精油,這些超強、超柔軟的濕巾可以讓父母放心,保證髒玩具不會進入孩子的嘴中。




Safely clean toys, pacifiers, bottles, nipples, cups and more! These extra strong, ultra soft wipes contain a unique, baby safe formula that is made with Natural and Organic Ingredients.
Perfect for on the go and biodegradable in 28 days!


Product Description

Kids tend to drop everything, regardless of where they are. They also put everything in their mouths. Are you looking for an easy solution to keep your mind at ease? Look no further than Aleva Naturals Pacifier 'n' Toy Wipes. Not just for toys and soothers, these wipes are gentle and safe for cleaning bottles, nipples, surfaces and more. Enriched with Organic Aloe Vera and Chamomile Oils, these extra-strong and ultra-soft wipes will give parents the peace of mind that dirty toys are not entering their child’s mouth.
The compact packaging design makes it easy to fit in a purse or diaper bag.


Use wipe to safely clean pacifiers, toys, bottles, nipples and cups. Use as often as needed. Reseal and close lid after each use to prevent wipes from drying.


Store at room temperature

 Safety Tips

Avoid contact with eye area. For external Use only. Not intended for use as a baby cleaning wipe. Keep out of reach of Children

Bamboo Baby
Tooth 'n' Gum Wipes


非常適合外出使用,28 天可生物降解!

從寶寶出生的那一刻起,介紹良好的口腔衛生習慣非常重要。即使他們還沒長牙齒,也很重要確保在喝牛奶、配方奶或果汁後清潔他們的口腔。用一塊濕布浸濕似乎很麻煩,特別是當粗糙的邊緣進入寶寶的嘴中時。Aleva Naturals 專為此目的開發了 Tooth n Gum Wipes!紋理的 Bamboo Baby Tooth n Gum Wipes 讓您可以輕鬆地將其繞在手指上,清潔寶寶的小牙齒和牙齦。它們是由純淨的植物成分和木糖醇配製而成,可提供額外的保護和更明亮的微笑。這些超柔軟、未漂白的濕巾提供深層清潔的感覺,足夠安全和溫和,可以作為每日常規使用。精巧的包裝設計使其易於放進手提包或尿布袋中!




Ultra-soft wipes, formulated with pure, plant-based ingredients, to safely clean little teeth and gums. Includes Xylitol for added protection and a brighter smile.
Perfect for on the go and biodegradable in 28 days!


Product Description

It’s important to introduce your baby to good oral hygiene habits from the moment they are born. Even if they don’t have teeth yet, it is important to make sure to clean out their mouth after drinking milk, formula or juice. Wetting a cloth seems like a lot of work, especially when the rough edges are going into your baby’s mouth. Aleva Naturals has developed Tooth n Gum Wipes especially for this purpose! The textured Bamboo Baby Tooth n Gum Wipes make it easy to wrap around your fingers and clean your baby’s little teeth and gums. They are formulated with pure, plant-based ingredients and Xylitol for added protection and a brighter smile. These ultra-soft, unbleached wipes provide a deep clean feel, and are safe and gentle enough to use as a daily routine. The compact packaging design makes it easy to fit in a purse or diaper bag!


Use wipe to gently clean gums and teeth. Use as often as needed. Dispose wipes after each use. Reseal and close lid after each use to prevent wipes from drying.


Store at room temperature

 Safety Tips

Avoid contact with eye area. For external Use only. Not intended for use as a baby cleaning wipe. Keep out of reach of Children


Bamboo Baby
Hand 'n' Face Wipes


非常適合外出使用,28 天可生物降解!

寶寶經常在移動、學習、觸摸、進食......等等。不斷地帶孩子去清洗他們手、臉和衣服上的食物或飲料,可能會讓您感到疲憊和辛苦。為什麼不省去這些麻煩,為您的尿布袋添加 Hand n Face Wipes!這些超柔軟的濕巾,富含有機蘆薈和洋甘菊油,能溫和地清潔和滋潤寶寶嬌嫩的手和臉。它們甚至可以清理最骯髒的一切!時尚而精巧的包裝使這些濕巾易於攜帶!




Extra strong, ultra soft, perfume-free wipes, enriched with Organic Aloe Vera and Chamomile Oil that gently cleans and moisturizes your baby's delicate hands and face.
Perfect for on the go and biodegradable in 28 days!


Product Description

Babies are constantly moving, learning, touching, eating…and the list goes on. Constantly taking your child to wash spilled food or drinks from their hands, face and clothing can be tiring and hard work. Why not eliminate the hassle and grab our Hand n Face Wipes for your diaper bag! These ultra-soft wipes, enriched with Organic Aloe Vera and Chamomile Oils, gently clean and moisturize baby’s delicate hands and face. They will even clean the messiest of messed! The sleek and compact packaging makes these wipes easy for On the Go!


Open lid and pull back the resealable tab, remove and use wipes as required. Reseal and close lid after each use to prevent wipes from drying.


Store at room temperature

 Safety Tips

Avoid contact with eye area. For external Use only. Not intended for use as a baby cleaning wipe. Keep out of reach of Children

