FEHN 初生軟綿綿床上玩具 4 件裝 (0-12M)

Sale price $447.00 Regular price
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1. FEHN NATUR 有機棉綿羊迷你音樂吊飾
2. FEHN NATUR 有機棉綿羊玩巾
3. FEHN NATUR 有機棉手搖鈴 (小熊/綿羊) 2選1
4. MUNCHKIN 沐浴玩具書(太空)


1. FEHN NATUR 有機棉綿羊迷你音樂吊飾



  • 綿羊/小熊/野兔瞬間擄獲寶寶的心,播放著「Weißt du wieviel Sternlein stehen」的旋律撫慰人心,輕柔地讓他們入睡
  • 拉動音樂機構後,流行的搖籃曲響起,悅耳的旋律溫柔地安撫小夢想家,幫助他們輕鬆入睡
  • 這款迷你音樂劇不僅是一個可愛的玩具,還可以輕鬆固定在嬰兒床、嬰兒車或汽車座椅上
  • 物料採用毛圈布、針織物、平紋細布、絲絨,填充物採用嚴格管控的有機棉製成,適合擁抱入睡、抓握和玩耍
  • 適用於: 0+ month
  • Size: 17 cm


Cuddly toy & sleeping aid with cotton from controlled organic cultivation - melody "Weißt du wieviel Sternlein stehen" soothes in every situation

  • The little sheep / bear / hare instantly captures baby's heart: it invites to cuddle, the melody "Weißt du wieviel Sternlein stehen" comforts and gently lulls to sleep
  • After pulling the musical mechanism, the popular lullaby sounds - the melody in a pleasant volume gently soothes little dreamers and helps them fall asleep easily
  • The mini musical is not only a great cuddly toy, but can also be easily attached to the cot, pram or baby seat
  • The outer materials terry, jersey, muslin, velours and the filling made of organic cotton from controlled organic cultivation invite to cuddle, grasp and play
  • Size: 17 cm
  • Age: 0+ month

2. FEHN NATUR 有機棉綿羊玩巾


  • 適合 0 個月以上的嬰兒和幼兒
  • 可愛柔軟的綿羊/小熊/野兔帶給嬰兒微笑:作為擁抱布,它提供舒適、溫暖和安全感,很快就會成為最好的朋友
  • 可愛的被子是入睡時的真正幫手——可愛的小動物會依偎在疲憊的冒險家的心裡,成為無論在家還是在旅途中忠實的伴侶
  • 有了這個玩伴,寶寶可以在遊戲中學習新事物:柔軟的材料、頭部和大量的抓握元素鼓勵第一次觸摸和抓握練習,同時小動物讓寶寶的眼睛閃閃發光
  • 外層材料採用毛圈布、平紋細布、平紋針織物、絲絨,填充物採用有機種植棉花製成,適合擁抱、感受和玩耍


Playmate & stuffed animal cuddle cloth with cotton from controlled organic cultivation with soother attachment - for babies & toddlers from 0+ months

  • The cuddly soft fabric sheep brings a smile to babies' faces: as a cuddle cloth, it provides comfort, warmth and security and quickly becomes a best friend
  • The cute comforter is a real help when falling asleep - the yellow cuddly sheep cuddles its way into the heart of tired adventurers and becomes a loyal companion whether at home or on trips
  • With this playmate, babies can learn new things in a playful way: the soft materials, the head and a lot of grasping elements encourage the first touching and grasping exercises, and at the same time the sheep makes the baby's eyes sparkle
  • The outer materials terry, muslin, jersey, velours and the filling made of organic cotton from controlled organic cultivation invite to cuddle, feel & play
  • Size: 35 cm
  • Age: 0+ month


3. FEHN NATUR 有機棉手搖鈴 (小熊/綿羊) 2選1


  • 小抓握熊/綿羊/小兔是忠實的伴侶:嬰兒撥浪鼓非常適合抓握和擁抱,並且始終陪伴在寶寶身邊,無論是在嬰兒床、嬰兒汽車座椅還是嬰兒車中
  • 寓教於樂:帶有撥浪鼓的毛絨抓握器喚醒寶寶的探索精神,促進觸覺和聽覺,以及寶寶的運動技能
  • 小探險家很快就會明白如何製作色彩繽紛的可愛熊撥浪鼓 - 非常適合作為男孩和女孩的生日禮物
  • 外層材質採用毛圈布、平織布、平紋細布、絲絨和有機棉填充物,讓人擁抱、鼓勵感受和玩耍
  • 尺寸:16厘米
  • 年齡:0+個月


Motor skills toy with organic cotton from controlled organic cultivation - playfully promotes early learning - loyal companion for babies and toddlers

  • The little grasping bear is a loyal companion: The baby rattle is ideal for grasping & cuddling and is always with the baby, whether in the cot, in the baby car seat or in the pram
  • Playful learning: The stuffed grabber with rattle awakens baby's spirit of discovery, promotes the sense of touch and hearing, as well as baby's motor skills
  • Little explorers will quickly understand what to do to make the colourful cuddly bear rattle - ideal as a birth gift for boys and girls
  • The outer materials terry, jersey, muslin, velours and the filling made of organic cotton invite to cuddle and encourage to feel and play
  • Size: 16 cm
  • Age: 0+ month


[送] 4. MUNCHKIN 沐浴玩具書 (太空)

美國Munchkin 太空沐浴玩具書書讓小朋友享受洗澡時光。它包含太空故事,令小朋友可以一邊洗澡一邊學習太空生字和練習手眼協調。太空沐浴玩具書是用防霉物料製造,而且可以快乾,並反覆使用。


