COLOR FRIENDS 小貓/小馬/貓頭鷹便攜床上轉

Sale price $332.00 Regular price
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小貓/小馬/貓頭鷹旅行版床上轉是很好的外出旅行伴侶。可折疊的夾子支架可以靈活地連接到旅行網床或嬰兒床。伴隨催眠曲“ 給愛麗絲”使嬰兒輕鬆入睡。可以分別將小動物取出玩耍,有撥浪鼓和供咬牙的馬﹑有皺紋紙和抓環的貓,有吱吱聲和抓環的貓頭鷹激發了寶寶自然的好奇心,並促進了它的早期發育。非常適合在家中和旅途中使用!

COLOR Friends Travel musical mobile is a good travel companion. Thanks to the foldable clamp holder, the musical mobile can be flexibly attached to a travel cot or crib. Accompanied by the lullaby " For Elise" makes the baby fall asleep easily. Small animals can be removed to play separately. The horse with rattle and teether, the cat with crinkly paper and grasping ring and the owl with squeak and grasping ring arouse natural curiosity and promote baby´s early childhood development. Perfect for at home and on the go!


  • 尺寸:17x45cm
  • 按下開關,會播放旋律—給愛麗絲(貝多芬)
  • 適用於0-5個月的嬰兒
  • 表層材料:天鵝絨﹑印花面料/填充物:100%聚酯纖維
  • Size: 17x45cm
  • Press the switch and the melody will be played-for Elise (Beethoven)
  • Suitable for babies from 0-5 months
  • Top material: velvet, printed fabric / Filling: 100% polyester

