PUZZLES 字母圖案搭配拼圖 (3-5yr)

Sale price $109.00
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GALT PUZZLES 字母圖案搭配拼圖26 個色彩繽紛的 2 件式拼圖,可幫助孩子們識別英文字母表中的字母,鼓勵識別英文單詞和發展配對技能,每個拼圖都有一張與其首字母和單詞相匹配的圖片,只有正確的部分才能組合在一起。

拼圖尺寸:6.4 x 10 厘米

26 colourful 2 piece puzzles that help children recognise the letters of the alphabet. Encourages word recognition and develops matching skills. Each puzzle features a picture to match to its initial letter and words. Only the correct pieces fit together.

Size of puzzles: 6.4 x 10cm

