CREATIVE CASES 茶具塗色遊戲 (5y+)

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GALT CREATIVE CASES 茶具塗色遊戲用彩色顏料幫一套微型茶具上色,孩子們可以按照盒子上的設計或設計自己獨特的茶具套裝,內含白色陶瓷微型茶具,包括茶壺、牛奶壺、糖罐、4 個杯子、 4 個碟子以及 12 色陶瓷顏料 (3 毫升) 和畫筆。

Paint a miniature tea set with colourful ceramic paints. Children can follow the designs on the box or create their own unique set. Contents: white ceramic miniature tea set comprising teapot, milk jug, sugar bowl, 4 cups, 4 saucers plus 12 x 3ml ceramic paints and paintbrush.


