Bamboo Baby Instant Bath Towelettes
Aleva Naturals 竹纖維嬰兒即時沐浴濕巾是經過特殊配方的天然有機主要成分,能清潔和滋潤寶寶的肌膚。茶葉提取物負責清潔和提神,蘆薈則是一種保濕劑,讓肌膚感覺絲滑柔軟。玫瑰天竺葵精油也是重要成分之一,能作為強效的護膚品和帶有溫和香氣的調和劑。
Aleva Naturals 竹纖維嬰兒即時沐浴濕巾是一種不需沖洗和即時沐浴的產品,當您只需要快速清潔寶寶而不需沐浴時,它便非常方便。這些額外大、超柔軟的濕巾是標準嬰兒濕巾的兩倍大,可以完整覆蓋從寶寶的頭頂到腳尖的部位。它能清新、潔淨和滋潤寶寶的頭髮和嬌嫩肌膚。
這些額外大、超柔軟的濕巾是標準嬰兒濕巾的兩倍大,可以完整覆蓋從寶寶的頭頂到腳尖的部位。標準嬰兒濕巾的尺寸為15 x 20 厘米(5.9 x 7.9 英寸),而 Aleva Naturals 竹纖維嬰兒即時沐浴濕巾則採用20 x 35 厘米(7.9 x 13.8 英寸)的超大尺寸,提高了清潔效果。
Aleva Naturals 竹纖維嬰兒即時沐浴濕巾完全由植物純素成分製成,不含嚴苛化學物質,且是低過敏和適合濕疹肌膚的產品。這些濕巾是完美的環保解決方案,由竹纖維製成,28 天內可生物降解。
The Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Instant Bath Towelettes are specially formulated with natural and organic key ingredients to clean and moisturize baby’s skin. While the Tea Leaf Extract is responsible to clean and refresh, the Aloe Vera acts as a moisturizing agent leaving the skin feeling silky-smooth. The Rose Geranium Essential Oil Is also an important ingredient, serving as a powerful skin conditioner and a pleasant mild scent.
Product Description
Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Instant Bath Towelettes is a rinse-free & instant bath for those times when all you need is a quick clean without the hassle of bathing your baby. These extra-large & ultra-soft towelettes are twice as large as standard baby wipes, providing the perfect coverage from the top of baby’s head to the tip of their toes. It refreshes, cleanses and moisturizes your baby’s hair & delicate skin.
These extra-large, ultra-soft towelettes are twice as large as standard baby wipes, providing the perfect coverage from the top of baby’s head to the tip of their toes. While standard baby wipes are 15 x 20 cm (5.9 x 7.9 in), the Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Instant Bath Towelettes improves the cleaning with its 20 x 35cm supersize (7.9 x 13.8 in).
Made with 100% plant-based and pure ingredients, Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Instant Bath Towelettes are Free of Harsh Chemicals, and are Hypoallergenic & Eczema-Friendly. These towelettes are the perfect eco-friendly solution made of rayon from bamboo, are biodegradable in only 28 days.
Open lid and pull back the resealable tab, remove and use wipes as required. Reseal and close lid after each use to prevent wipes from drying.
Store at room temperature
Safety Tips
Avoid contact with eye area. For external Use only. Keep out of reach of Children